The Fishful Thinking Blog
Preparing Whole Local Seafood at Home
If you live in San Diego and have to deal with the realities of the housing market, you might relate to the logistical challenges of preparing whole, local seafood at home. For years, I’ve rented in an approximately 500 sq ft 1 bedroom apartment (with no yard). Finding space to cut or clean fish, and figuring out how to dispose of any ensuing organic trash, are two of the biggest challenges.
Your Seafood Survival Guide: 9 Kitchen Tools That Simplify Whole Seafoods
If you feel intimidated and inconvenienced by the prospect of cooking whole, local seafoods at home - you aren’t alone. While we believe that you can prepare and enjoy whole seafood with nothing but a pocket knife and determination, nothing beats feeling fully prepared and equipped. Just one of these easy-to-find kitchen items may pave smoother roads for your learning adventures.
Diving Into Spiny Lobster Season
As the autumn gets underway, you'll see California spiny lobsters making their way to local markets and restaurants that proudly support San Diego’s fishing community. In a city where the year-round pleasant weather can make it easy to miss the changing seasons, the arrival of spiny lobster serves as a delicious reminder that fall has officially arrived.
Unexpected Lessons From My First Fish Filleting Experience
In the kitchen, I usually opt for easy meals: sheet pan veggies and meat I can throw in the oven for 20 minutes, prepackaged salads and, as a last resort, microwavable instant meals. Sometimes I struggle with adding fresh protein sources to my meals, feeling too busy or tired after a long day of work to go through the hassle of handling raw meat or fish. Recently, I gained some hands-on practice with local seafood, because I hoped to learn how to simplify that hassle.
Reducing seafood waste by repurposing bones, teeth, and skin into designer jewelry & accessories
I wanted to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. I knew instinctively that, by being innovative and creative, I could design around an upcycled material that would alleviate waste instead of contributing to it.
Fish Oil: Who is it for?
We’ve all heard that fish oil is good for us. But what exactly is in fish oil?
Fish oil is a natural source of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, both of which have been studied extensively for a variety of possible human health benefits, notably in relation to cardiovascular health.
Western Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: From Tags up to Tail Cuts
The U.S. eastern seaboard is home to the largest tuna of them all - the Atlantic bluefin. This species has a fascinating history - first ignored, then obsessed over, and now coming closer to a sustainable balance between fishing and conservation. I came to know this species both through my scientific work at the LPRC, and through seafood, by taking home the tail cuts of these giant fish for dinner.
Changing Attitudes Towards Fish For Our Pets
Pet food preparation at home is on the rise in response to growing concerns about transparency and quality of processed pet food.
The number one priority of “pet parents” is the health of their pets, and we know there is a growing community of pet owners who are looking for alternatives to dry or canned pet food.
Ocean to Doorstep: Connecting Local Fishermen and the Community
Our vessel, the F/V Kaylee H, had been at sea for about 30 days when the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown order went into effect. She returned to port to a ghost town and a nonexistent market - nowhere for her 20,000 pounds of fish to go.
Making the Case for Fish Mince
What is fish mince? It is essentially ground up fish, created after the fish has been filleted with the help of a meat grinder or a fish separator. Making fish mince is a way for a greater portion of fish flesh to be utilized that otherwise would have gone to waste after processing.
The Importance of Leather: How Fish Skin Leather Can Help Reduce Waste in a Seafood System
Leather is ubiquitous. It is a natural and durable material, among other things. Leather can also be made from virtually any animal, including fish. However, fish skin leather currently only accounts for <1% of global leather sales!
What is a Community Supported Fishery (CSF)?
I am a marine biologist that used to work at a sustainable seafood startup. Which is why people are usually surprised to hear that I also get confused when standing in front of the fish counter at the supermarket. With all the information out there about seafood and sustainability, it can be incredibly difficult to feel confident about your seafood choices.
Catch of the Day: Tuna Harbor Dockside Market
As a twenty-four year old, third-generation fisher, I have watched the ebb and flow of the commercial fishing industry evolve with the countless changes we continue to endure.
On any given Saturday, 52 weeks out of the year, you can find a variety of San Diego’s fishers and their families hard at work at the Tuna Harbor Dockside Market.
Press Release: Fishful Future Project Launch
The Fishful Future project is a newly launched collaborative effort joining seafood processors, fishery scientists, local fishermen, and renowned chefs. Supported by an award from the competitive National Marine Fisheries Service’s Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program, the project explores opportunities for San Diego’s fishing, seafood processing, and culinary industries to move toward a zero-waste seafood supply chain by fully using each fish.
Catalina Offshore Products Mission Helps Harvest a Fishful Future
Bag In hand, Dave Rudie jumped into the waters off Catalina Island to pick sea urchins for the new Japanese sushi trade. He couldn’t have known that forty-five years later, his company Catalina Offshore Products would become one of Southern California’s premier seafood purveyors and a recognized industry leader.
Mercury in Seafood: What You Need to Know
People are concerned about mercury when consuming fish. However, selenium (Se) is key to understanding mercury exposure risks.